Saturday morning Jeremy and I left before the crack of dawn for a day of bmx fun at Ollie’s skatepark in Florence, KY. After meeting up with Mark in Paris, IL we rolled across Indiana and on to the skatepark. The place was pretty cool, but they don’t allow pegs, so I rode pegless for the first time in a million years. I felt naked without pegs and had my fill of the park after a couple hours (too bad we had paid $18 for a full day pass).
We headed over to NKU and met up with a bunch of other riders. The place looked like it came out of a video game, but I’m not throwing myself down 20 stair ledges… After we all got kicked out, we dropped Bub and Andy off at Ollie’s and Jeremy and I drove in to downtown Cincy to explore.
Cincy was awesome.. we found a few spots on our own and some locals showed us some others. If you like banks, subs, and wallrides go ride under the expressways in Cincy.
There’s one parking lot that has perfectly trannied asphalt banks going up to a wall. One area the wall is only about chest high, so after some convincing from Jeremy, I peg stalled it. We ended up getting back to CU a little after midnight, but I’m looking forward to riding there again.