Cincinnati BMX

Saturday morning Jeremy and I left before the crack of dawn for a day of bmx fun at Ollie’s skatepark in Florence, KY. After meeting up with Mark in Paris, IL we rolled across Indiana and on to the skatepark. The place was pretty cool, but they don’t allow pegs, so I rode pegless for the first time in a million years. I felt naked without pegs and had my fill of the park after a couple hours (too bad we had paid $18 for a full day pass).

We headed over to NKU and met up with a bunch of other riders. The place looked like it came out of a video game, but I’m not throwing myself down 20 stair ledges… After we all got kicked out, we dropped Bub and Andy off at Ollie’s and Jeremy and I drove in to downtown Cincy to explore.

Cincy was awesome.. we found a few spots on our own and some locals showed us some others. If you like banks, subs, and wallrides go ride under the expressways in Cincy.

There’s one parking lot that has perfectly trannied asphalt banks going up to a wall. One area the wall is only about chest high, so after some convincing from Jeremy, I peg stalled it. We ended up getting back to CU a little after midnight, but I’m looking forward to riding there again.

Posted in bmx, Friends, Places | 1 Comment

Leopard Quirks

I’ve been running Mac OS X Leopard for a few days now and I’ve run into a few quirks/bugs.

  • Quicklook previews with inconsistent locations

I’ve haven’t quite sorted out where Quicklook stores its prefs, but I’ve had Quicklook throw its little window up in unexpected places. I can’t seem to make it “stick” where I want it to. Anything that I “quicklook” from the Desktop gets shown on my secondary monitor, while anything I “quicklook” from elsewhere shows up on the primary. The locations also seem to be different among other applications (location for Mail is different from the Finder). Continue reading

Posted in Apple, Bugs, Computer, OS X | 4 Comments

Dreamhost… yay!?

So, I got a response from dreamhost support..

Thank you for contacting me again in regards to your issue Ian. I justgot off the phone with one of our System Administrators. We notice that the triton server has been having some load issues that were not network related. It turns out that we had a user that was running exploit software. His website contained way too many Terms of Services Violations to even list. As a result of this, his account has been disabled.

Now I can actually use triton. They went on to detail some specifics of the situation and then credited me a month’s worth of hosting. I’d have to say I’m happy with the outcome, so long as it doesn’t turn into a regular occurrence.

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Dreamhost… ugh.

So, I finally decide to register and use the domain and I shop around and decide to use dreamhost. I knew going in that it is shared hosting and that performance of the server is very much dependent on the usage of my neighbors.

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How not to do it…

At work we have a (necessarily) complicated printing system for the student computer labs. Mac and PC workstations print via LPR to Windows print queues. On the Windows Server 2003 box Pcounter takes control of releasing jobs and charging student/faculty accounts for the prints.

Most of these queues feed the jobs to various laser printers throughout the building, but several of our print queues are for wide format inkjet printers, so the queues pass the files off to other 2003 Server boxes running ColorBurst RIP software. ColorBurst has its own printer port (CPT1: ColorBurst Port Monitor), so all incoming print jobs are handled by a Windows print queue using this port. ColorBurst runs as an application, not as a service, and it unfortunately crashes quite regularly.

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Top of the world (the northeast anyway..)

Mount Washington Summit

At the top

Tara and I visited Mount Washington on 10/06/2007. When we left Rehoboth, it was warm and sunny, but by the time we got to Conway, NH (the most congested little town in the world) it was overcast and drizzling.

Tara’s Corolla made it up the Mt. Washington Auto Road like a champ. At the summit visibility was about as poor as it could be and the wind was whipping across the rocky peak at nearly 40 kts. I was secretly hoping for much worse weather, but I guess I’ll have to go back and try again. Continue reading

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Leopard Server

Last week I went over to ISU in Bloomington for an Active Directory/OS X integration seminar.  It was 99% stuff that I had already done, but Mike Bombich shared a couple of hints of what was coming in Leopard Server dealing with folder redirection.  I’ll get another look November 1st at the CCSP conference.  I’m hoping that we can finally find a way to have network home directories for students.  Currently its just not possible, since we have no control of the user objects in the campus AD. What I really need is an ADC membership to get pre-release software, if anyone wants to sign me up. 

Posted in Apple, Computer, OS X | 3 Comments

First pOts!

No one should even know this exists at the moment, so I don’t care so much that this is about a plain a wordpress site as you can get…  

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